This modules allows access to the gettext system implementation provided by VLC.


Script Types
Interface, Services Discovery


Localization function for the module.
The name refers to the C function “gettext()”, which is usually aliased to “_()” in order to save space.


-- VLC language is set to: "Français"
local search = vlc.gettext._("Search")
print(search) -- Outputs "Rechercher"


Return value

A localized string in the user’s language


Returns a string passed to it.
The name (seemingly) refers to the plural form of gettext, but N_() is not called internally.

-- VLC language is set to: "Français"
local search = vlc.gettext.N_("Search")
print(search) -- Outputs "Search"


Return value

If str is passed, then it is returned, otherwise nil.